Lace Wigs - The Myths and Truths
You may not know it, but lace wigs have been around for more than a century. Especially in Egypt and parts of Europe in the 19th century, women wore them. This again proves the importance of wigs for women. Every year, new trends appear to cater to the high demand for wigs and hair accessories. There are now designs for men and children. There is also the fact that some health conditions may force people to shave and wear lace wigs. All these factors explain why companies that make lace wigs and hair accessories consistently make profits. Unfortunately, there are too many myths about wigs. Read on to learn more about these myths and truths. Wigs are hot,heavy and itchy-MYTH This is one of the biggest concerns of many first-time wig wearers. The extra weight felt in the wig is believed to create an uncomfortable heaviness, with the fibres in the structure of the wig irritating the scalp. Today, however, high quality wigs are made from breathable fabrics that will keep you cool an...